2003年2月28日 国际人才欢庆了她的十年华诞。经过十年的发展,国际人才建立和健全了一套完善的管理机制,各项业务都得到了较快的发展。在日趋激烈的国际和国内竞争中,国际人才坚持 以人为本,客户至上,诚实守信,服务第一的理念,将为客户送去更多的关爱和亲情,提供更细致、更周到、更便捷的人性化服务,竭诚为企业发展壮大铺路,为个人事业成功架桥。 国际人才从容面对人才市场国际化,满怀信心迎接新的挑战。
China International Economics and Technologies Professionals Development Center is founded by China Association for Promotion of China Association for Science. China Association for Science belongs to the system directly under central management, which is directly led by Central Secretary,. One of leaders in the CPC Politburo on behalf of central authorities takes charge of affairs of China Association for Science. One of leaders in State Council conduct affairs of China Association for Science according to division of work, and Secretariat of Central Committee listens to working reports from China Association for Science every year. The incumbent of China Association for science is Mr. Han Qide (At present hold the post of vice chairman of the eleventh Standing Committee of National People’s Congress, the President of Chinese People’s Association Striving for Peace and disarmament, and hold a concurrent post of a member of disciplinary council of the State Council Academic Degree Committee,and vice chairman of Council for Science and Technology of National Education Department. The leader who is put in charge of the center is Zheng Shushan ( At present takes the post of the Minister’s Assistant of the Education department, the member of the CPC group, and hold the concurrent post of the president of National Academy of Education Administration.
The tenet of the centre is: According to relatively spirits on talent cultivation instructed in the eighteenth National Congress of the CPC- dedicated to cultivate massive talent troops with high qualities, which will push forward our country from big talent’s country to strong talent’s country. After the foundation of the Professionals’ Development Centre, the centre will put main focus on training target related to economics together with technologies. In order to meet the needs of development of market economy, the center is implementing the training and communication of international talents, carrying out cooperation on international economy and technologies and information services. The Center also provides human resources and talents’ services related to communication on Science and Technology, Economy, and technological cooperation. The centre will cultivate massive talents on Economy, Management and Technology in different types with high qualities in innovation and satisfy the development requirements of economic society which aims to provide services for a new road for industrialization, the construction of innovative country and strategy of reinvigorating China through Science and Education.